well, Thursday didn't quite go as planned, but was not a total failure. i got a bit of later start than i hoped, but a little extra sleep was probably needed. the main problem was my back (something ambition can't do much about). i think its just really worn out. even with the brace, it was really sore all day ... really slowed me down at times. and i had forgotten to bring along some Advil, so i had to wait for Chrissy to stop in on her way home from work to get some pain relief (and dinner). i did make good progress though, just not as much as i wanted. the sunroom is almost done (probably 85%). i ran out of light (no new electric to the light in there yet) before i got finished. so, i moved to the living room and went as far as i could -- about 2 strips before the front door. i didn't want to go further than that because i needed to do some cutting around the frame and insulating under the threshold before laying the floor there. so, i ended the day with another expanding foam insulation party (i know, doesn't that sound like fun!?). initially i had WAY too much under the threshold. if i hadn't knocked it down, i have a feeling we wouldn't have been able to open the door the next time we went over (and still no guarantee, we'll find out tomorrow morning). there was a ton of cold air entering through the bottom of the door, so hopefully the insulation and a door sweep (currently using a piece of floor padding) will cut down on that. all-in-all, i got about 100 SF done and some insulating. not as much as i wanted, but ok. dang back. next time, Advil will accompany me.
tonight we went to JC Penny's and ordered curtains for the living room and dining room and then browsed tools and appliances at Sears. they have some good deals next Saturday morning, so we'll probably go place our appliance order then (not cheap!).
tomorrow i'll hit the floors hard again (properly medicated of course). i need to visit a hardwood supply store for a few items in the morning, but the rest of the day should be all hardwood laying. Chrissy will continue painting (hopefully getting rid of our pretty pink walls) with a friend or two of ours helping her.
also, i have scheduled Griffith & Sons back out on Monday the 12th to finish the new floors! woohoo! so i have just over a week to get the remaining approx. 250 SF down. shouldn't be a problem. i'm hoping to get about 150-200 this weekend alone. hopefully we'll have most of the painting done by that day too, so we can just abandon the house for a few days while they work. i think we are finally starting to see a bit of a flicker of light at the end of the tunnel. for the first round of renovation anyway!
the floor's lookin good! at first when i saw the top picture i thought you had done some ingenious floor-laying method in which you lay a center section at a diagonal. then common sense took over, combined with increased squinting through my prescription-is-too-weak glasses.
the floor's lookin good! at first when i saw the top picture i thought you had done some ingenious floor-laying method in which you lay a center section at a diagonal. then common sense took over, combined with increased squinting through my prescription-is-too-weak glasses.
more power to ya!
that would be cool. let me rip up the floor and re-lay it with the diagonal strips :-)
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