Thursday, December 22, 2005

quick update

alright, sorry i've left you all hanging. here's a quick lunchtime update:

we did move. i was sick (Fri-Mon). then i was really tired and sick (Sat. - Tues.). we ARE living in the new house! we are mostly unpacked, mainly just need to hang pictures and organize the office more. the computer hasn't been hooked up to the internet yet (need a longer cable for temporary use while i wait on the wireless products to arrive -- no cable jack in office), thus no updates (in addition to no time). we've managed to hang most of the curtains/shades, but that's about the extent of the "home projects" since the move. there are some smaller ones that need to be done soon though (refinish stairs, trim out hardwoods at vents, install shoe molding, more insulating, more faceplates, etc.).

we will be out of state (southern Illinois) for most of the weekend, so don't expect any major updates (or pictures) until next week -- unless something weird happens, like a rip in the time-space continuum giving me more time to do stuff each day. i think that would qualify as weird? yes?

hope everyone has a great Christmas! we've been so busy, it hardly even feels like that time of year for us :-(


At 3:10 PM, Blogger Jess said...

Hope you both have a very Merry Christmas! :) Congratulations on the new home and all you've accomplished!

Jessie Murphy


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