progress is good
hello again. it seems i forgot to mention a fairly big event 2 posts ago ... Chrissy started her new job about a month ago! she's over at Community Hospital now, splitting between the East and North campus. so far, it's going well ... she has met some very nice people and enjoys a somewhat different caseload. she really misses her old friends at St. E's, but the drive and unknown direction/future of the hospital were wearing on her. Community calling her out of the blue turned out to be an amazing blessing.things have been pretty good the past week. i'm feeling quite a bit better, in all regards. so that is good. i do appreciate the nice calls and emails i have received. thank you! i did manage to get what i believe is poison ivy or poison oak from doing that outside cleanup the other week. it's not too bad, but i wouldn't mind just being done with it. i'm reacting a bit different than i typically do with poison ivy, that's why i wonder if it's poison oak ... although i kind of thought they did the same thing. it does seem to be getting better, so that's all i care about. i think humanity needs to hire someone to go out and kill ALL poison ivy/oak/sumac. it can't possibly do any good. seriously.
in other progress, Saturday we did quite a few errands/cleaning around the house. we hung up some more things, including a neat shelf thing over the range (maybe a picture when we get the camera back). i "built" a mini entertainment center in the office ... and if you know me and building entertainment centers, you know it involves some concrete blocks. only 4 this time, so rest assured for those who help us move next ... it won't be as bad as previous moves! we also bought a dead bolt for the back door, but the locksmith up the street couldn't make it out to install it yet. hopefully next week sometime, providing some surgery goes well for him. he's a nice old man, so i hope all goes well for him. i also put a few "final" light/outlet covers on. i THINK i've found them all now. i think. i'm sure somewhere there is an outlet laughing at me, thinking it has won. mark my words, i will find you ... and put a cover on you.
Saturday evening we had a good portion of the "Indy folks" over for a game night. after lots of the usual hanging out and chatting and giving the tour to first-timers to the house, we had 2 entertaining games of the classic, Clue! it's really funny to watch a room full of post-college, think-we-are-all-very-smart, competitive people discussing winning Clue strategies as quietly as possible with their teammates. the various "systems" people had were quite interesting. the whole evening was a great time, it's something we've wanted to do for a while, just hadn't had the chance.
today was a bit of a lazy day ... i was enthralled with some good sports, much to Chrissy's enjoyment. did anyone see that BC/Duke game?? wow, that was great ... JJ Redick is an unreal shooter. and it was nice to see the US pull out the bottom of the 9th win against Japan in the WBC. go team. i'm quite pumped for March Madness time again ... gotta love hours and hours and hours of non-stop college basketball. funny, no one ever says that about NBA basketball. Chrissy is really looking forward to it as you might guess.
oh, and it's raining a lot ... you'd think we were in Portland. which, by the way, we are currently making plans to visit in July (to visit Nate & Deb --- my bro and his wife). we are very excited about this trip ... we really miss spending time w/ N&D. so, if anyone sees or talks to them, make every attempt to persuade them to move back to Indiana. i know, its probably a lost cause, but you never know.
Not a chance!
not even an itty-bitty teeny-weenie one?
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